Are you interested in becoming a baseball official in North Alabama. See our frequently asked questions below and use the contact us for more information.

Starting January 7, each Sunday night at 6:30 pm.  It usually lasts about 1 hour. Some meetings will be replaced by online meetings.  Some Sundays, there will be no meeting.

535 Monroe St. Huntsville, AL at the Huntsville Area Association of Realtors

New officials and veteran officials.  New officials will be in a separate training meeting until the season starts.

Teaching potential and current officials how to become a baseball official and become a better baseball official.

Season starts around the 2nd week in February and ends mid April when playoffs start.  Some officials will continue working the playoffs.

State Dues are $60.00 that must be paid to take the test.  This provides you with rule books and insurance. This is a mandated fee by the state.

Association Dues are $60.00 that can be paid upfront or divided up over 1, 2 or 3, weeks from your check. These dues keep the association running and help pay for our meeting space.

You are paid weekly at the Sunday meeting for the games you worked that week.

Pay is the following:

Varsity 90.00     


7 innings or 2 hours $70.00

5 innings or 1:30 $60.00

Travel of $15.00 minimum for the game or the 1st game of a doubleheader.

We contract will all the schools in Madison County (excluding Sparkman Middle School) and  including all of Huntsville city, Madison City, along with Priceville and JB Pennington

We will provide a full set of equipment with a signed agreement that you will purchase it at the end of the season or return it to us in good condition.

Uniforms:  Starter kits are available at the following.  

Gear Needed: Mask, chest protector, shin guards, plate shoes, base shoes one stop sports   Head to Toe officials supply (local)  Umpattire

Use the contact form below and let us know if you are interested. One of our board members will reach out to you and provide any additional answers to questions you may have.

Contact Us:

If you would like more information on becoming a baseball umpire, please contact us with the form below.

Meeting Location

Our meeting room is located in the Huntsville Area Association of Realtors Building. Please park and enter on the North Side of the building.